Dr Elliot Lilley BSc PhD

Dr Elliot Lilley BSc PhD


Dr Elliot Lilley BSc PhD FBPhS



Year elected:


Primary professional setting:


Elliot is a Senior Scientific Officer within the RSPCA Research Animals Department, which works to achieve more effective ethical review of animal use and implementation of the Three Rs. He received his PhD in Pharmacology from King’s College London in 1997 and then began a 15 year career in the pharmaceutical industry; initially at the James Black Foundation and latterly at Novartis. He is an experienced lecturer in animal welfare, receptor theory, drug discovery and GI pharmacology and contributes to teaching as part of the BPS general and advanced receptor theory diploma module. In 2012, he joined the RSPCA research animals department where his main areas of work relate to promoting refinement, including reducing severe suffering, experimental design, and translational validity. Elliot has been a member of the British Pharmacological Society since 1998, a former member of the meetings committee and a current member of the animal welfare and in vivo pharmacology committee. He is animal ethics editor of the British Journal of Pharmacology.